Snapdragon 778G plus vs Dimensity 920 comparison

Here we compare two mid-premium processors which are Snapdragon 778G plus vs Dimensity 920 which are very close in performance and this comparison includes detailed specifications, CPU, and GPU benchmarks.

Snapdragon 778G plus vs Dimensity 920 specs comparison

The technical specs comparison between Snapdragon 778G plus and Dimensity 920 SoC like CPU, GPU, memory support, display support, and connectivity.

Snapdragon 778G plus vs Dimensity 920 comparison

CPU Comparison

Both SoC comes with the same CPU architecture Cortex A78 and Cortex A55 with different clock speed, here are more specs

ParametersSnapdragon 778G plusDimensity 920
CPU Architecture1×2.5 GHz A78, 3×2.2 GHz A78, 4×1.9 GHz A552×2.5 GHz-(Cortex A78), 6×2 GHz (Cortex A55)
Max frequency2.5 GHz2.5 GHz
Instruction setARMv8.4-AARMv8.2-A
Fabrication6 nm TSMC6 nm TSMC

GPU Comparison

If we compare the Graphics units of Snapdragon 778G plus vs Dimensity 920 then Snapdragon 778G plus take a lead

GPU nameAdreno 642LMali G68 MC4
Frequency950 MHz
ArchitectureAdreno 600Valhall
Execution units24
Shading units38464
OpenCL version2.02.0
OpenGL version3.23.2
Vulkan API version1.11.1
DirectX version1212
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Memory and Storage

Both SoC supports the same RAM type and storage type that is LPDDR5 and UFS 3.1

ParametersSnapdragon 778G plusDimensity 920
Memory typeLPDDR5LPDDR5
Memory frequency3200 MHz3200 MHz
Bus2×16 Bit4×16 Bit
Max bandwidth25.6 Gbit/s– Gbit/s
Memory size16 GB16 GB
Storage typeUFS 3.1UFS 3.1

Display and Camera

In the camera support, Snapdragon 778G plus takes the lead, and here are some specs

APUHexagon 770Yes
Max resolution2520×10802520×1080
Max refresh rate144Hz at Full HD+120Hz at FHD+
10-bit supportSupportedSupported
Max camera1x192MP1x108MP
Max Video capture4k at 30FPS4K at 30FPS
Video playback4k at 30FPS4K at 30FPS


5G ModemX53
5G SupportYesYes
4GLTE Cat 24LTE cat 18
Download speed1200 Mbpsup to 1200Mbps
Upload speed210 Mbps316Mbps
Wi-Fi6, 6E6

Snapdragon 778G plus vs Dimensity 920 Benchmark comparison

Here we compared benchmarks in different applications like Antutu 9 and Geekbench 5 which include CPU and GPU performance of both the SoC and these results are taken from Moto Edge 30 and Realme 9 pro plus devices

Antutu 9

ParametersSnapdragon 778G plusDimensity 920
Total score594574459295

GeekBench 5



AnnouncedOctober 2021August 2021
Model numberSM7325-AEMT6877T
Qualcomm official pageSnapdragon 778G plusDimensity 920


Snapdragon 778G plus vs Dimensity 920?

If we compare 778G plus vs dimensity 920 then SD 778G plus takes a lead in all aspects.

is SD 778G plus an efficient processor?

snapdragon 778G plus based on TSMC 6nm fabrication process with max TDP of 5W.

Is Diemensity support 4k 60fps video recording?

No, dimensity 920 doesn’t support 4k 60 fps recording it only supports 4k 30fps.

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