Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 vs Dimensity 8100 comparison

Here we put the two new SoC in comparison that is Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 vs Dimensity 8100 and this comparison includes details specs like CPU, GPU architecture Memory support, and more.

Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 vs Dimensity 8100 Specs comparisons

The detailed specs comparison between SD 7 Gen 1 and Dimensity 8100 SoC like CPU, GPU, memory support, display support, and connectivity.

Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 vs Dimensity 8100 comparison

CPU Comparison

The new Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 comes with new A710 architecture, here is the detailed CPU comparison

ParametersSD 7 Gen 1Dimensity 8100
CPU Architecture1×2.4 Hz A710, 3×2.36 GHz, 4×1.8 GHz A5104×2.85 GHz A78, 4×2 GHz A55
Max frequency2.4 GHz2.85GHz
Instruction setARMv8.2-A
Fabrication4 nm Samsung5 nm TSMC
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GPU Comparison

If we compare Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 vs Dimensity 8100 then In GPU performance Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 takes a lead

GPU nameAdreno 662Mali-G610 MC6
ArchitectureAdreno 600Valhall 3
Execution units
Shading units
OpenCL version2.02.0
OpenGL version3.23.2
Vulkan API version1.11.1
DirectX version1212

Memory and Storage

Both SoC have almost identical values but 8100 comes with higher bandwidth support

ParametersSnapdragon 7 Gen 1Dimensity 8100
Memory typeLPDDR5LPDDR5
Memory frequency3200 MHz3200 MHz
Bus2×16 Bit4×16 Bit
Max bandwidth25.6 Gbit/s51.2 Gbit/s
Memory size16 GB16 GB
Storage typeUFS 3.1UFS 3.1

Display and camera

In multimedia support Dimensity 8100 takes a lead, here are the specs

Max resolution3840×21602960×1440
Max refresh rate144Hz at Full HD+168Hz at Full HD+
10-bit supportSupportedSupported
Max camera1x200MP, 16MP+32MP1x192MP, 2x36MP
Max Video capture4k at 30FPS4K at 60FPS
Video playback4k at 30FPS4K at 60FPS


5G ModemX62Release-16 5G modem
5G SupportYesYes
4GLTE cat 24
Download speed
Upload speed
Wi-Fi6, 6E6


ClassMid-premium rangeFlagship
AnnouncedMay 2022April 2022
Model number
official pageSnapdragon 7 Gen 1Dimensity 8100


Is Dimensity 8100 better than Snapdragon 7 Gen 1?

In performance new Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 is better but if we compare it practically then Dimensity 8100 takes a lead.

CPU architecture of Snapdragon 7 Gen 1?

The Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 comes with new ARM architecture which is Cortex A710 and Cortex A510.

Is Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 for gaming?

Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 is the latest 7 series processor which improves gaming performance by 60% compared to its predecessor 778G plus.

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