Snapdragon 695 vs Snapdragon 750G: A detailed comparison

As you know Qualcomm Snapdragon processor number scheme is very confusing, that’s we bring a detailed comparison between Snapdragon 695 vs Snapdragon 750G, which includes technical specs, CPU, and GPU benchmarks.

Technical Specs comparison between SD 695 and SD 750G

Here are the detailed specs comparison like CPU, GPU, memory support, connectivity, and more

Snapdragon 695 vs Snapdragon 750G: A detailed comparison

CPU Comparison

ParametersSD 695SD 750G
CPU Architecture2×2.2 GHz-Cortex A78, 6×1.7 GHz Cortex A552×2.2 GHz-(Cortex A77), 6×1.7 GHz (Cortex A55)
Max frequency2.2GHz2.2GHz
Instruction setARMv8.2-AARMv8.3-A
Fabrication6 Nm8 Nm

GPU Comparison

GPU nameAdreno 619Adreno 619
Frequency825 MHz825 MHz
Execution units22
OpenCL version2.02.0
OpenGL version3.23.2
Vulkan API version1.11.1
DirectX version1212
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Memory and Storage

Memory frequency2133 MHz2133 MHz
Bus2×16 Bit2×16 Bit
Max bandwidth17 Gbit/s17 Gbit/s
Memory size8GB12GB
Storage typeeMMC 5.1, UFS 2.2UFS 2.1, 2.2, 3.0

Display and Camera

Hexagon processor686694
Max resolution2520×10802520×1080
Max refresh rate120Hz at Full HD+120Hz at Full HD+, 60Hz at QHD
10-bit supportNot supportedsupported
Max camera1x108MP, 25MP+13MP1x192MP, 16MP+32MP
Max Video capture1080P at 60FPS4K at 30FPS
Video playback1080P at 60FPS4K at 30FPS


5G ModemX51X52
4GLTE cat 18LTE cat 18
Download speedup to 2.5GbpsUp to 3.7Gbps
Upload speed1.5Gbps1.6Gbps
Qualcomm fast connect6200 System6200 Subsystem

Snapdragon 695 vs Snapdragon 750G benchmark comparison

Here is the performance test of both the SoC SD 695 and SD 750G in different benchmark applications

Antutu 9

ParametersSD 695SD 750G
Total score410503388558

These results are taken from IQOO Z6 and Oneplus Nord CE

GeekBench 5



AnnouncedOctober 2021September 2020
Model numberSM6375SM7225
Qualcomm official pageSnapdragon 695Snapdragon 750G

FAQs about SD 695 vs SD 750G

Is SD 695 and 750G support NFC?

Yes, both have NFC support.

Is SD 695 support 4K recording?

Snapdragon 695 didn’t support 4K recording, it only support 1080p at 60fps.

Is snapdragon 750G support 4K recording?

Yes, SD 750G support 4k recording at 30fps.

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