Poco F4 vs Redmi K50i Detailed Comparison

Here we bring the comparison between two value for money phones which are the Poco F4 vs Redmi k50i these phones are very close to each other in terms of performance but F4 comes with more premium build quality at the almost same price.

Poco F4 vs Redmi K50i

Here is the detailed specification comparison between Poco F4 vs Redmi K50i like CPU, GPU, display, camera, and more.

Poco F4 vs Redmi K50i Detailed Comparison


Poco F4 comes with the most stable flagship processor of 2021 that is Snapdragon 870 and the Redmi k50i is comes with Meditek 8100 which is the most stable and efficient flagship processor of 2022, here the detailed comparison

ParametersPoco F4Redmi k50i
CPUSnapdragon 870Dimensity 8100
GPUAdreno 650Mali G610 MC6
CPU architecture1×3.2 GHz Cortex-A77, 3×2.42 GHz Cortex-A77, 4×1.8 GHz-Cortex A554×2.85 GHz Cortex-A78, 4×2 GHz Cortex-A55
fabrication7 nm5 nm
ROM128GB/256GB UFS 3.1128GB/256GB UFS 3.1
OSMIUI 13 based on Android 12MIUI 13 based on android 12
Official pagesPoco F4Redmi K50i
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In the Display department, Poco F4 takes a lead with an AMOLED display whereas Redmi K50i comes with an IPS LCD display

Resolution2400 x 1080 at 395 PPI2460 x 1080 at 407 PPI
Display type6.67-inch AMOLED display6.6-inch LCD display
Refresh rate120Hz refresh rate 360Hz touch sampling rate144Hz refresh rate 275Hz touch sampling rate
Peak brightness1200 nits650 nits
Display protectionGorilla Glass 5Gorilla Glass 5


Poco F4 has a triple camera setup with OIS with a good selfie camera but K50i comes without OIS Camera

Rear Camera64MP OV64B f/1.79 + 8MP Ultra wide f/2.2 + 2MP Macro64MP GW1 f/1.89 + 8MP Ultra wide f/2.2 + 2MP Macro lens
Front Camera20MP IMX596 f/2.416MP f/2.45
Camera featuresOIS, EIS, 4k 60fps, Slow motion 960fpsEIS, 4k 60fps, slow motion 960fps


Fast charging67W fast charging67W fast charging
charging time100% in 45 minutes100% in 50 minutes


Wi-FiWiFi 6 Dual BandWiFi 6 Dual Band
Network5G, 4G, 3G5G, 4G, 3G
Sim cardDual SIMDual SIM
SensorsSide mounted fingerprintSide mounted fingerprint


SpeakersDual stereo speakersDual stereo speakers
MicrophoneDual microphonesDual microphones
Audio featuresDolby AtmosDolby Atmos

Poco F4 vs Redmi K50i Benchmark comparison

Here are the Antutu 9 and GeekBench scores of both smartphones

Antutu 9

ParametersPoco F4Redmi K50i
Total score711609816198

GeekBench 5


Poco F4 vs Redmi K50i Price Comparison

VariantsPoco F4Redmi K50i
Official pagePoco F4Redmi K50i


Which is better for gaming Poco F4 vs Redmi K50i?

For gaming, Redmi K50i is slightly better than Poco F4.

Is the Poco F4 camera better than the Redmi k50i?

Yes, Poco F4 camera is slightly better than Redmi K50i.

Antutu benchmark of Poco F4 vs Redmi K50i?

Poco F4 Antutu benchmark is 720k and Redmi K50i benchmark scores are 830K.

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