Dimensity 1080 vs Dimensity 920 Comparison

Dimensity 1080 vs Dimensity 920

As we know Dimensity 1080 is an upgraded SoC of Dimesnity 920 so here we compare Dimensity 1080 vs Dimensity 920 which includes a detailed specification and benchmarks scores in different applications. Dimensity 1080 vs Dimensity 920 specs comparison The detailed specs comparison between Dimensity 1080 and Dimensity 920 SoC like CPU, GPU, memory support, … Read more

Dimensity 1080 vs Snapdragon 778G Comparison

Dimensity 1080 vs Snapdragon 778G

Here we compare the two mid-premium segment SoCs that are the all-new Dimensity 1080 VS Snapdragon 778G, which include detailed specifications, CPU, and GPU benchmarks. Dimensity 1080 vs Snapdragon 778G specs comparison Here is the detailed specs comparison between Dimensity 1080 and SD 778G SoC like CPU, GPU, memory support, display support, and connectivity. CPU … Read more

Lamborghini Huracan Sterrato launched for all terrains

Lamborghini Huracan Sterrato launched

Lamborghini launched its all-new limited edition of the Huracan that is Huracan Sterrato. This supercar is capable of all terrains because this car comes with massive ground clearance that is 44mm more compared to the Huracan EVO. Lamborghini Huracan Sterrato Specs It comes with a long travel suspension which gives it great ground clearance and … Read more

Best Upcoming Electric scooters in India 2022-23

Best Upcoming Electric scooters in India

Electric scooter adoption increasing in India so here we bring the 10 best upcoming electric scooters in India, as we know government is aiming to reduce carbon emissions across the country. Now electric scooter market going to be very competitive and they are bringing more and more electric scooters at an aggressive price to fulfill … Read more

10 Best laptops for students under 50000

10 Best laptops for students under 50000

Searching for the best laptop under 50,000? Here we pick the best professional laptops for students under 50000 that fulfill your all requirement and help to complete your professional studies. While buying a laptop you should see some important parameters like Processor, RAM & Storage, display type, and more. Best laptops for students under 50000 … Read more

Snapdragon 680 vs Helio G99 detailed comparison

Snapdragon 680 vs Helio G99 detailed comparison

Here we bring the comparison between two mid-range processors Snapdragon 680 vs Helio G99 because these processors are very close in pricing and performance, this comparison includes detailed specifications, CPU, and GPU benchmarks. After reading this article you won’t have any further queries regarding this comparison check this detailed comparison given below Snapdragon 680 vs … Read more