Electric scooter vs Petrol scooter: Detailed comparison

As we know petrol prices are increasing so here we bring a detailed comparison between Electric scooter vs Petrol scooter that includes Fuel cost, Maintenance cost, pricing, performance, and usability comparison.

Electric scooter vs Petrol scooter comparison

Here we compare two popular brand scooters which are Honda Activa 125 vs TVS iQube which available almost at the same price

Electric scooter vs Petrol scooter: Detailed comparison

Price Comparison

Here is the on-road price of both scooters in Delhi

ScootersOn-road price
Honda Activa 12592,000 Rs
TVS iQube99,000 Rs
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Fuel Cost

If I talk about the fuel cost of the Honda active 125 then it can give you 50kmpl of mileage and TVS iQube can give 90km of range in full charge, here are the detailed cost comparison given below

Honda Activa 125Cost
1lit fuel cost110 Rs
100 km running cost220 Rs
10,000 km running cost22,000 Rs
TVS iQubeCost
one full charge cost (3 KWh battery)18 Rs (6rs /unit of electricity)
Range90 km /charge
100 km running cost20 Rs
10,000 km running cost2000 Rs

As per the above data, you can save 20,000 Rs on every 10,000km of running if your daily running is less than 40kms then only you should go with an Electric scooter, here is the comparison between Electric scooter vs petrol scooter

CostHonda Activa 125TVS iQube
Daily running 40km85 Rs9 Rs
Monthly running cost2550 Rs270 Rs
One-year running cost31,000 Rs3300 Rs
Five Year running cost1,55,000 Rs16,500 Rs

Maintenance Cost

As we know we have to service petrol scooter on every 4000-5000km which cost you around 600Rs (if labour cost is zero) on another side Electric scooter have zero maintenance cost.

In maintenance costs also Electric scooters are way ahead compared to Petrol scooters, and on petrol scooters, we have to service regularly for best performance and also we have to replace mechanical parts accordingly.


We get the more punchy torque in the electric scooters and it’s much faster and smoother acceleration, in City conditions, an electric scooter gives you more confidence and it’s squeezing under gaps, it’s not meant petrol scooters are slow but Electric scooters have a big edge over it.

SpecsHonda Activa 125TVS iQube
Max power8.3 PS6 PS
Max torque10.3 Nm33Nm
0-40 acceleration 4.0 seconds4.2 Seconds
Top speed92 kmph80 kmph
Official pageActiva 125TVS iQube


In the useability factor petrol scooter clearly wins here, because of its convenience and you can take anywhere without any anxiety. in electric scooters, we have to take care of the range and still, there is a lack of charging infrastructure in many cities but it also helps you to keep your wallet light and save your money in fuel about 10 times when compared to a petrol scooter.


If you live in metro cities or any big cities and you have good access to charging stations then you should with an Electric scooter otherwise, if you are living in rural areas then a Petrol scooter will be a good option.


Which is better electric scooter vs petrol scooter in the metro city?

If you are living in a metro city then a good Electric scooter will be a great choice like OLA S1, TVS iQube, Bajaj Chetak, and Ather 450x.

Which gives better performance electric scooter vs petrol scooter?

If we talk about a 125cc petrol scooter vs an electric scooter under 1 lakh then an E-scooter gives you better performance.

how much we can save from electric scooters compared to petrol scooters?

We can save 10x in fuel compared to petrol scooters.

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